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In the “Hard Science Can Be Easy” podcast series initiated by the University of Warsaw’s Center for Cooperation and Dialogue, we will learn answers to seemingly difficult questions about the world around us. Researchers and scholars from the University of Warsaw take a closer look at the intriguing ins and outs of scientific issues in a conversation with Karolina Glowacka.

The cosmos is a space still being discovered by man. It offers people unlimited opportunities, but also raises numerous concerns, being a source of potential threats. We approach the topic of space in a cross-cutting manner, reflecting on the social, scientific, economic and political aspects of its exploration. It is difficult to talk about the development of space knowledge without analysing the consequences of its use and their impact on human life.

Interviews with female researchers at the University of Warsaw are conducted by Patrycjusz Wyżga.

Science Broadcasts is a series of journalistic interviews conducted with scientists at the University of Warsaw by Justyna Dżbik-Kluge.

Dr Justyna Pokojska talks to prominent researcher(s) and academics about aspects of the digital revolution. The aim of the podcast is to network experts from the University of Warsaw, creating room for effective scientific collaboration.

The series of talks explores issues such as the digital economy, the competences of the future and the challenges and opportunities of the digitalisation process – both at the level of everyday life, international politics and the development of global science.