Climate neutrality
Today it’s time to summarize our series “How to live? – Naturally!”. Human activity has a significant impact on the progressive climate change, and industrial development exacerbates the degree of environmental pollution.
Today it’s time to summarize our series “How to live? – Naturally!”. Human activity has a significant impact on the progressive climate change, and industrial development exacerbates the degree of environmental pollution.
When thinking about human activities in the context of their impact on the climate, we may not think about what impact warfare has on the environment. The most important thing remains the human fate and the attempt to provide shelter for those in need.
We are probably all aware that the production of plastic waste in the world exceeds the amount recycled. It’s hardly surprising if we consider how many plastic things we use every day. Just look around you, and you are sure to find at least one thing that was made from plastic. Or can’t we find a single one that doesn’t have this plastic in it?
In recent years, climatologists have been sounding the alarm due to the increasing drought and the associated threat of diminishing water resources on Earth. It is certain that man has his share of progressive climate change, this can be seen, for example, in the development of industrial agriculture.
More than two years ago, we watched in horror as acres of the Biebrza National Park burned. Within a week, the fire had consumed an area of 5,526 hectares, including 4,580 hectares within the Park’s boundaries and 946 hectares of the buffer zone (the enclave of the Vratsa Forest) – and thus became the largest fire in the Park’s history. How has this fire affected the Biebrza ecosystem? The #ExpertsUW responds.
There are four stages of drought. Initially, there is an atmospheric drought characterized by a lack of rainfall for 20 days, high temperatures and low humidity. Its cause is the high atmospheric circulation, causing an influx of warm and dry air masses. Then comes soil drought, which means a shortage of water available to plants. The third stage is hydrological drought, meaning a reduction in surface and groundwater resources. Hydrogeological drought follows a prolonged hydrological drought. During this period, the groundwater table lowers to the extent that it makes the use of dug wells impossible.
How does climate change affect water levels in Kampinos National Park?
Read the response from our #ExpertUW, Dr. Maciej Lenartowicz of the UW’s Department of Geography and Regional Studies has been observing the process of the falling water table in the Kampinos during the past three months.
The Kampinos Forest or the Kampinos National Park? Did you know that this area is so very special that it is protected simultaneously as the Biosphere Reserve “Kampinos Forest”, Kampinos National Park and Natura 2000 Protection Area “Kampinos Forest” (PLC140001)?!
Nature is our natural heritage, which is why many unique places have been given international protection. So what are the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves mentioned in our previous post?
And just as a reminder – do you recall what items from Poland are on the UNESCO World Heritage List? What do you think, are they just man-made objects?
“Protecting the diversity of life on Earth is crucial to global human well-being. With the support of the World Heritage Convention, the most important natural sites enjoy international recognition and receive technical and financial assistance to deal with threats such as agricultural encroachment, alien species and poaching.” (UNESCO)
How many times a day do you marvel at the beauty of nature? How many times have you spent your vacations on the trails of a national park or traveled the world to admire the wonders of nature? If your answer is: many times, we are not at all surprised. It has been known for a long time that relaxing surrounded by nature helps you relax and find inner harmony.