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project #UWaga Nauka – about best practices in science communication

We are organizing a very special event soon, on June 13!

The world around us is constantly changing, and we are changing with it. At the same time, a key task of the institutions where we work every day is to provide information. Our role, often not easy, occupies a unique place in the process of popularizing knowledge. We would like to invite you to co-create a space where those who are active in the field, broadly defined, of communication can share their professional experiences and inspire each other.

“The University of Warsaw wants to be a place to exchange good practices and experiences, and a space where you can find inspiration for further activities in the area of communication of science and knowledge” – said Prof. PhD Ewa Krogulec, Vice-Rector of the University of Warsaw for development during the conference “#UWaga Nauka – about good practices in scientific communication”.
The meeting took place on June 13 in the hall of the Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw. The aim of the conference was to create a space where people who conduct activities in the field of broadly understood communication share their professional experiences and inspire each other.
The invited guests, who deal with the popularization of knowledge and science on a daily basis, talked about the tools they use in their work, which are not always obvious.
Inspirational speeches were presented by:
✅Karolina Głowacka (Podcast Radio Naukowe, TOK FM radio),
✅Łukasz Pieróg (HistoriUJemy, Jagiellonian University),
✅Adrianna Lasinkiewicz i Joanna Gojżewska (Emigration Museum, Gdynia),
✅Dorota Kostowska (Edulab),
✅Izabela Kuzyszyn (Botanical Gardens UW),
✅Justyna Borowska (National Museum in Warsaw),
✅Maciej Okraszewski (podcast “Dział Zagraniczny”).
Thank you for your presence!
#UWaga Nauka - grafika