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Meeting with the laureate – agenda

Meeting with high school students: how to become a scientist?

Meeting Jak zostać naukowcem? (How can I become a scientist?) is aimed at high school students participating in the UW’s Nobel Week Partner Schools program. The event is an opportunity for students to ask the British Nobel laureate in a less formal atmosphere, among other things. about the origins of his career, his attitude to science and development; what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a scientist or how his life changed after receiving the Nobel Prize. The Q&A meeting will be moderated by Adam Smith, chief specialist in the field of outreach and communication at Nobel Prize Outreach.

Read more about meeting with students and collaboration with schools: https://cwid.uw.edu.pl/jak-zostac-naukowcem/

Open lecture

Lecture Understanding cellular oxygen sensing mechanisms: adventures of a physician in discovery sciencealong with Q&A section was prepared for UW students and employees, as well as employees of other scientific institutions. Participation in the event is free of charge. Registration through the registration form is mandatory.

March 16, 2023, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Auditorium A+B, UW Center for Biological and Chemical Sciences, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 101, 02-089 Warsaw

The main organizer of Sir Peter Ratcliffe’s visit to Warsaw is
Nobel Prize Outreach as part of the Nobel Prize Inspiration Initiative, in partnership with AstraZeneca.

For more information please visit: nobelprize.org/npii, astrazeneca.com

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