Multiple stimuli
Do you never part with your phone and constantly check notifications?
Do you interrupt ongoing conversations to inspect what’s happening on your smartphone screen?
Do you use your phone in the cinema/theater or other places where it is not allowed?
Do you do most of your activities with your phone in hand?
Are you charging it wherever you can? Are you constantly checking for coverage?
Are you experiencing auditory hallucinations? Does it seem to you that the phone in your pocket keeps ringing?
Watch out. These are symptoms characteristic of phonoholism, a behavioral disorder that manifests itself in compulsive cell phone use. Its causes include fear of loneliness, relationship problems, shyness, time management problems, need for acceptance, lack of interests.

The effects of phonoholism
Among the effects of this disorder are mentioned:
– information overload;
– Using the phone no matter what, despite fatigue, sleeplessness, the need to perform other duties, etc…;
– Abandonment of social contacts;
– neglect of duties;
– neglecting loved ones;
– Cessation of physical activity;
– isolation;
– concentration problems;
– Anxiety, fear, panic attacks.
How do you protect yourself?
To protect ourselves from phonoholism, it’s a good idea to set strict rules for ourselves to limit our phone use….
Worthwhile, for example:
– control the passage of time we spend with our eyes fixed on the screen;
– limit the time spent with the phone in hand;
– Leave the phone out of sight;
– refrain from making unnecessary phone contacts, making unnecessary calls and writing messages that are not necessary.
Almost all of us are (potential at least) phonoholics. Let’s try to remedy that.
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